Friday 14 March 2008

Official Corruption, and it's Only The Beginning ...

"Mr X, a former head of Helsinki Water, sat in the dock of Helsinki district court on Thursday and was charged with accepting bribes and abusing a position of authority."

"The indictment says Mr X accepted free labour and building supplies for his house and a summer residence from four companies three years ago."

"The prosecutor said Mr X also used Helsinki Water workers on his building sites and charged building supplies to his employer."

Corruption is creeping, greed as well. Usually it's not the middle class that will try to cheat the system even if their purchasing and wealth is low, but instead it's the high ranking officials or rich (through bribes, position abuse and tax tricks or evasion)...

Now if the situation is so bad today with regard to housing price and rent, it's simply because it profits official in municipalities, some insurance companies that heavily invested during the housing slump of the early 90's and the authorities that are simply not directly concerned by the problem... Yes you will hear the government complaining about rising cost (metro, library,rail) but at the end it's the tax payer who will be paying the bill..

Yesterday I posted an article showing that some authorities have started some investigation on trying to explain why some cost are very elevated...let's see how far they can go into dismantling this corruptive system that only profit few and threaten to destabilize the Finnish society...

- Money Laundering

"Finland is taking steps to more effectively deal with terrorism and money laundering used to finance terrorist activities."

"The government is to present Parliament with new legislation to prevent money laundering that can be more widely applied than present law."

Great news... I mean we all know that's nothing to do with terrorism but instead a start of a crackdown on tax evasion and corruption. (that the way politics work by the way you play with images, at least the American citizens were tricked by the Republican that way..but they learn the lesson the hard way and will show it during November election)

Indeed lots of dirty money need to be recycle in the system and usually one way is to "wash it" is investment in real estate, art etc.. We have seen that in London and Paris...

See eira flats (see link) ...

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